Age: 52
1. How much did you like the video?
4 / 5
2. Do you think the video is appropriate for the indie/folk genre? If not, why?
Yes but it could be more quirky, could do with something a bit incongruous in there to make it stand out from the crowd.
The song is not a quirky song so this wouldn’t look right, also this idea would divert the importance of the ending.
3. What did you think of the camerawork/editing?
Excellent, I liked the timing of the cuts, the lighting and the use of focus (and out of focus)
4. Did you understand the video? If not, why?
I think so, but I didn’t take all the words in because I was concentrating on the visuals
5. How do you think the video compares to a professional music video?
Very close. Technically, I think the lip-‐sync was slightly out in places and the image broke up twice but both those problems could be because of youtube. Could just have done with something unique to make it stand out more.
This was due to YouTube as the video is not out of sync or jumpy.
6. What emotions came across to you when you were watching the video?
A difficult one to answer as I was thinking about the quality etc of the video rather than trying to empathise with the characters. Also, I don’t think I get emotionally involved in less than 4 minutes.
7. Do you think that the video relates with the song? If not, why?
Yes, but this is not necessarily important for a music video. Certainly, being too literal can detract from the experience but you have avoided that. The main thing is to catch the overall mood of the track which you have done well.
8. Would you say that the amount of shots on the performer were equal with the amount of shots of the narrative?
Without watching it again I would say there was more narrative than performer, but the balance was good.
9. What aspect of the music video impressed you the most?
Another hard question but I’ll go for the editing. Choosing the right shots and getting the timing right for the cut to the next shot etc.
10. How do you think the video could be improved?
As I said, it could have done with a quirk. But this is the hardest part of video making. It needs to be something original enough to make you smile but not so bizarre that ruins the mood (the viewer has to be able to suspend their disbelief). The Praktica almost fulfils this role because of its vintage/retro qualities but I don’t think many people would notice it. Artistically, the acting and directing were very good and the camera work and editing were excellentExamples I can think of include the garden gnome in the film Amelie and the dancing milk carton in Blur’s “Coffee and TV” (but that would require expensive CGI). Sorry, they aren’t particularly good examples, you can probably think of better ones.
Nice idea but as we mentioned above, this wouldn’t suit the slow pace of the song and would divert the ending. Also, we don’t have the money for the expensive CGI, if we did then we would consider this.