Monday, 3 December 2012

First Video Edit

Here is our first music video edit. We felt it went quite well for many reasons such as; lack of continuity errors, consistent storyline, ranges of shots and angles & a good final colour correction.

However, there were a few problems with the final edit. We showed this video to multiple friends, classmates & teachers and this was the feedback they gave us:

-  Too much rack focusing
- Handheld effect was shaky at parts
- Emotions from actors were hard to get across
- Storyline was predicted, half way through
-It needs more footage of the couple in love together and then more of the actress upset

We have taken this feedback into consideration and we will film lots of close-ups of our performer so that we can engage the viewer with her and also to convey her emotion throughout the song. We will then work on our narrative and we will make sure that we capture lots of footage of our actors and clearly show their emotions and portray the themes and moods that we want in our video. We are also going to reduce the amount of rack focusing so that our video will look more professional and also we will be able to  highlight the important parts in our video from the use of this focusing.

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